College is one the most influential times in the life of a young person. It is a time where young adults are thinking about their future and what impact they want to make on the world. Wouldn't it be great if we had more young adults in our churches? Campus ministry is one of the main ways college students can stay connected with the Church and to their faith. You can help by supporting Asheville Wesley today!
Asheville Wesley Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization of the United Methodist Church. All donations are tax deductible in accordance with IRS regulations.
If you would like to make a donation to support the ministry at UNC Asheville, you may mail us a check, set up monthly giving with your bank or church, or make a donation online through our PayPal account. Please take note that PayPal does have a service charge so please consider that expense when you decide the amount of your donation.
Please mail checks to: Asheville Wesley Foundation, P.O. Box 8497, Asheville NC 28814
Are you UNC Asheville alumni? Are you United Methodist? Were you involved with Wesley when you were a student! If any of these things apply to you, we would love to have your contact information! Just click here!